October 2024

What is Project Based Learning and how is it developed?

Para entender qué es el aprendizaje basado en proyectos es importante conocer cómo funciona el mundo real. El mundo en el que vivimos se encuentra en constante cambio, y los proyectos se convierten en el pilar principal del desarrollo. Los emprendedores exitosos del mundo son aquellos que tienen la creatividad de idear dichos proyectos, el pensamiento lógico […]

What is Project Based Learning and how is it developed? Read More »

Why use the Project Based Learning method?

El metodo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP o PBL, Project Based Learning) es una metodología de aprendizaje en la que los estudiantes adquieren un rol protagónico y se favorece la motivación académica. El método consiste en la realización de un proyecto multidisciplinario (es decir, que integren más de una materia), que le den un propósito claro

Why use the Project Based Learning method? Read More »

What is a better bilingual or “normal” school?

The world we live in is constantly changing, and countries are becoming more and more connected. Learning a second language has become a necessity, as it opens the doors to greater academic, work, cultural and personal opportunities, which is why parents are betting on early learning of a second language for their children.  Read on

What is a better bilingual or “normal” school? Read More »

These are the 7 trends in education in the 21st century

Parents in the 21st century face new challenges that past generations did not face: globalization, hyper-connectivity, misinformation, social media and constant technological changes, among others. In a world where all information is just a click away, memorization loses relevance, and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving become absolutely indispensable. Read on to learn

These are the 7 trends in education in the 21st century Read More »

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